Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Islamic politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Islamic politics - Essay Example Through the discourse of IMAM Dr. Abdul Jalil Sajid via the written work â€Å"Islam and Ethics of War and Peace†, the political theory of Islam on justice, war, and peace is based on the core teaching of Qur’an stating â€Å"The aim of war according to the Qur’an is not to propagate or spread Islam, nor is it to expand the territory of the Islamic State or dominate, politically or militarily, non-Muslim regions.† In order to gain deeper insight on war and peace under the context of Islamic principles, it would be useful to investigate with the empirical findings of Jeff Haynes in view of religious fundamentalism, the article â€Å"Understanding Islam†, S.P. Huntington on the â€Å"clash of civilizations†, as well as the report made by Diane Sawyer. Besides the conventional notion that religious fundamentalism pertains to a religious movement whose militant characteristic is justified by stiff adherence to fundamental principles, Jeff Haynes modifies the basic definition by critiquing that contemporary religious fundamentalism emerges out of ‘the failed promise of modernity’ and necessarily refutes the negative impact of modernisation upon moral development. According to Haynes, the religious militancy in fundamentalism is chiefly brought about by the general ‘decline of the societal salience of religion’ due to rapid cultural and economic changes particularly since the World War II. Normally, religious authorities are ideally expected to intervene in state affairs when advancing political interests so that the goals set herein can be directed to coincide with the public good or applied to satisfy the needs and desires of the majority. This way, religion serves to oppose secularism and mediate between the government and the people in order to ensure that the concerns of the latter are met within the constitutional framework and may be understood the principal grounds behind the 9-11 incident of 2001. Muslims are typically found in the state of

Monday, February 10, 2020

The building institute of training and developing Essay

The building institute of training and developing - Essay Example The process of demolishing and rebuilding is a process of perciceness, safety, professional surveying of the project so it is done correctly, and cost effectiveness. It is a basis process which from start to finish of making sure that all regulations are correctly handled, and that the process is done accurately.The process of removing as-pesos must be done with the windows shut so that it does not escape from the house. This then makes it so that you can remove the asbestos quickly from the front door and bring it in a proper disposal unit. Then the stench of asbestos does not remove. The employees removing the asbestos protect their health. Asbestos is a very dangerous problem when inhaled or gotten on the skin, so the overalls must cover every inch of the body, and protect the one that puts the asbestos in the proper dumping mechanism. It must be disposable so that it does not contaminate any area which the clothes may be. Washing the clothes may ruin a washer with putting the che mical in it, so it is policy that the clothes are disposable.Air conditioner sheets must be removed and not reused due to circulation within the air vents of asbestos. This way it prevents any asbestos that gets in the air ducts from contaminating the house. The air conditioner vents must be removed and replaced to ensure that none leaks from the air vent and gets any in the house once the project is finished. The air conditioner parts must be taken down and ready to be cleaned at the end of the project. ... then the overalls and masks used by the personnel are thrown away with the asbestos TASK 2 The type of loads are important. There are relevant loads that must be used. There are the basic parts of the home that must be loaded up along with the different parts of the gutted interior. This would include the basic framework of the innards of the house; which could probably just be brought out the front door. You may want to remove all of the old interiors, all of the floor boards, and correctly tear down the home; leaving loads for the construction. They may want to tear down the floor boards, the roof, and organize it in loads of efficiency. This can then be done problematically and automatically. This process then tears down the home and makes it cost efficient once all of the parts of the home are removed. TASK 3 There are several needed professionals which you must acquire to then commence with building. You must first consult an Architect, who will draw out the basic lay out off the home. You consult with him with how much space you want in the rooms, how many rooms it has, and what you want the basic layout of the house to be like. He will draw out a design trying to meet your specifications. The architect must then work with a residential designer, which scopes out the zoning procedures of the neighborhood in which the house is being built. This will make sure that the lay out the architect has drawn match the houses in the area, and meet zoning restrictions of how you are allowed to build a house in the area. A designer then designs the basic details of the house working with them and the residential designer makes sure the set up